We all know that Capitol View is a community with heart. CV residents care and answer the call when a neighbor is in need. Therefore, this page will be dedicated to highlighting opportunities for us to come together to help each other. The CVNA board will post when we learn of a situation where a neighbor may need elbow grease or financial assistance when they have exhausted all other options. Please bear in mind that we may not be able to assist with every situation. However, where and when we can, we will. Let’s show Atlanta that when there is a need, Capitol View residents answer the call. We don’t wait for solutions, we are the solution!
An elderly resident on Deckner needs our assistance. She has an electric mobility chair that she has not been able to use as she needs a ramp from the street to her front door. She has run into issues with securing a permit and has limited financial resources. We have determined that she needs a minimum of $175 for the permit. The CVNA board has reached out to a local non-profit which says they will donate gift cards from Home Depot for building materials as long as the resident does not exceed income limitations. A local architect has graciously volunteered to draft plans for the ramp. Once we have the plan we will have a better idea of the amount of materials needed and total cost. We would love to have fellow residents volunteer for actual construction and financial assistance, if possible. A receipt will be provided to all financial donors. After we have the permit secured and materials purchased we will provide a sign up list for a construction team. If you would like to donate you may use the PayPal button below or send an email to president@capitolview.org or secretary@capitolview.org to arrange for a check or cash donation. Let’s show the world that Capitol View Cares!