• André Arriaga | Hartford Avenue

    A self-employed writer and deeply delusional karaoke singer, André stumbled upon his Hartford home six years ago. “I’d been looking for a place in East Atlanta where I’d lived since 2001, and this amazing little 1920s-era bungalow came up in an online search just outside of my price threshold,” recalls Andre. “I thought, there’s no way the renovations could look as good in person—but I checked it out the next day, realized it was actually better than the pictures and put an offer in that same weekend!”

    Thanks to the ambitious remodeling efforts of the previous homeowner—including a completely updated 1940s-style kitchen with repainted metal cabinetry in Robin’s Egg Blue (eat your heart out Martha Stewart!)—most of what André has done since then has been aesthetic. Doubling as his home and office, André is quick to point out the coolest thing about living in Capitol View when friends come to visit. “Hands down, the scent of vanilla and cookies from the Nabisco factory three streets over.”

    Best-kept secret in our ‘hood? Garment construction classes taught by Clark Atlanta faculty at the Atlanta Sewing Machine Center on Metropolitan. Hello, Project Runway!
    You’ve got to check out:
    Perkerson tennis courts at night—totally lit and ready to play.
    It would be great to see:
    A neighborhood dessert & coffee shop similar to Joe’s in EAV. Just something casual and cozy to grab a quick treat or telework from for a few hours.
    Capitol View is the kind of place:
    that gets better the more of yourself you invest in it.

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