• CVNA Meeting Minutes for February 2012

    CVNA Monthly Meeting
    February 16th 2012
    21 members in attendance
    Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm

    Last month’s minutes available next  month

    President’s Report (Darin):
    Neighborhood walks, please attend. Posted on forum and FB. Great way to meet neighbors. 30 minute walk. Come out and see the neighborhood.

    Planning cleanup this Saturday. Sylvan hills is also cleaning up. Possible grill out after with them. Depends on weather. Meet at 9:30 am at Sullivan Center. Down Dill hit Sylvan and head south. Jackie requests some special attention Sylvan to Murphy.

    Vice President Report: absent

    Secretary Report (Denise): None

    Treasurer (Tony):
    Correction for January:
    December expenditure check for $50
    Income of $350
    Internet service: $95.56
    Balance: $2260.08
    Undedicated: $1567.48

    NPUX (Report by Steve)
    Continuation of sales tax vote for watershed coming up (MOST)
    Preventcontractorfraud.com, if you get work done, don’t get ripped off.
    Smart 911- can sign up to let them know about pets or other special needs in your home
    Food Mart onDill Avebeer and wine license was opposed. A women wants to put a mortuary in where former Wachovia was next to library- seems legit wait and see. Fliers for District 12 meeting (made available).

    *move to modify agenda approved

    Sgt Andre
    Crime Suppression Unit at215 Lakewood Way
    In Zone 3: 37 crimes, 29 arrests. Persistent residential burglary-14. Auto thefts-7. Not allowed to pursue auto thefts because of danger, so refocus effort on prevention. Right now Dodge is a target. Chop shop on Sylvan near Dill got shutdown with 3 arrests. Auto Theft Task Force focuses on these crimes.
    Q: What about residential burglaries?
    A:We have 4 officers dedicated to this. Even if a house is vacant, when a house is broken into this counts against us, so these numbers may seem high. We are trying to educate people about making their houses more secure so they are not a target.

    Lt Jackson
    MARTA Police
    Large number of snatch thefts in December. Crimes of opportunity. Officer on every platform has curtailed these crimes. Be vigilant. Be careful when using electronic devices. If you see panhandling please report it.

    Q: Noticed more crime when cell phone can’t be used in underground tunnels.
    A: Yes, these guys know what they are doing. Hopefully officer available on the train
    Brochure made available with contact information.

    Rashan Hallman
    Center for an EducatedGeorgia
    Education and grassroots research organization that wants to implement policy and speak to legislatures with the goal to make sure every student in state of Ga has quality education. Want to improve public schools. Research ways to improve public schools, expand parent choice, such as charter schools, scholarships for public schools. Want low income and minorities to take advantage of them.

    Beltline Atlanta
    Presented master plan for Perkerson Park. No road. Driveway stays where it is. Disc golf will not be over the whole park. Neighborhoods to vote on this week and next, then proceeds to NPU.
    Q: Have restrooms been renovated?
    A: In long term plan they are going away and are reconfigured.

    *vote to support Parks Dept master plan 15 votes for 0 votes opposed.

    Metroplex grand opening this Saturday7 pmin 3rd floor of old masonic lodge. Fliers handed out.

    Click here for MSWord download of February CVNA Meeting Minutes

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