• CVNA Meeting Minutes for March 2012

    CVNA Monthly Meeting
    March 15th, 2012
    22 people in attendance
    Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm

    President’s Report (Darin)
    Meeting on closing for CVE was 3/14/12.
    3/26/12 meeting last opportunity for input at CVE. Superintendent Davis will be present at Carver meeting 3/22/12 at 6:30. In both proposals CVE is closed. Kids will be moved to Perkerson.

    CVNA Dues run from Jan1st to Dec31st. Please pay your dues.

    Paul Benson has taken up the issue of education for our community and will give us updates

    Vice President’s Report (Olivia)

    Treasurer’s Report (Tony)
    No income/No expenses
    Total Account: $2260.08

    Secretary’s Report (Denise)

    NPU-X (member reporting)
    NPU-X meeting is second Monday of the month, 7 pm at the library.
    Lt Dodd trying to make progress on break-ins. Adding more police in neighborhood for increase visibility. MARTA new security, a wand security device. Still be on look out for snatch and grabs. Ralph Long is working on old mattress being recovered and sold as new issue.

    Tire Day upcoming Saturday, April 28th 8am to 1pm.

    Sylvan Hills approved special use permit for mortuary at former Wachovia building by Stewart Lakewood library.

    Joyce Shepard
    Want  LRB Committee to deny liquor license to 902 Dill (Ester food Mart). So please petition the mayor now; write letters; make phone calls. This same location has had hundreds of 911 phone calls and robberies

    Paul Benson
    Proposing a CVNA Education Committee
    Parents of CVE aren’t getting the information they need. Some of them didn’t have information that has been available for months now on the closing of CVE. Parents are upset. School is most likely to close. His goal is that we as a community need to engage in education more whether we have kids or not. We need to start somewhere and catching kids early and uplifting them early is important. Grant Park already made their elementary school great now they can focus on their Middle School. How can we create community hubs at Perkerson? People are passionate about disparate things. I’m trying to meet with all the neighborhoods, but we can be a community as far as education is concerned.

    Motion to establish Education Committee with Paul Benson as Chair passed.

    Sgt Henninger
    Lakewood Precinct
    Crime Suppression
    Targeting homes in CV with the GBI- can’t release addresses
    1381 DeSoto is abandoned, but charged person leaving with theft then found 1lb of marijuana.
    1329 Allene- arrest with residential break-in
    People are pulling copper out of lines in parks. Please report suspicious activity with power poles.

    Click here to download March CVNA Meeting Minutes

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