• Minutes for December 18, 2008

    Capitol View Neighborhood Association Meeting

    MEETING MINUTES – December 18, 2008

    The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by Vice-President Kim Garcia.

    Meet and Greet – There were approximately 28 people in attendance.

    President’s Report: President Michael Brooks was not present

    Vice President’s Report: None

    Secretary’s Report: Minutes were read, accepted and adopted.

    Treasurer’s Report: Natasha reported the CVNA bank balance- PayPal $310.76, Suntrust $3145.50

    This balance includes our grant monies. ($1000 for our Newsletter and $900 from Park Pride). We also received another $1000 grant for visual promotion of the neighborhood. Natasha also reported on upcoming events.

    Committee Reports:

    (1) Code Enforcement: Peter Kaplan did not have an update. (capviewdeputy@hotmail.com)

    (2) Public Safety: Tony Thaxton, Jr. read the monthly Public Safety report.

    (3) Welcome Wagon: None

    (4) Economic and Community Affairs: None

    (5) Environmental and Beautification: None

    Old Business: None

    New Business/Other:

    We had officer elections for the upcoming 2009 term:

    Kim Garcia – President
    Jackie Crenshaw – Vice President
    Tony Thaxton, Jr. – Treasurer
    Peter Kaplan – Secretary

    Neighborhood Announcements: None

    Special Guests –

    Councilmember Joyce Sheperd was present to discuss the Exide Battery request for an extension for their clean-up of the property on Allene. She recently met with the law firm that represents the Excide Battery group. They want a four to five month extension to “clean up” their property located on Allene. There was much controversy among the CVNA attendees. Most felt that this was a ploy for more time; that the developers have been delaying the clean-up due to their financial situation.There was a motion to vote for the extension. The motion was seconded. 5-Yay, 12-Nay, 5-Abstain.

    She had another presentation regarding the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. The City of Atlanta has been given $12.3 million for this aggressive program to deal with abandoned and foreclosed properties in communities and to redevelop these properties into viable living situations. The deadline to apply for the program is January 15, 2009, and Joyce wanted input from the neighborhood in identifying abandoned properties located on Dill Avenue that might qualify for this program.

    The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. and we then enjoyed a delicious pot-luck holiday dinner with three turkeys and all the trimmings!

    Click here for the meeting minutes in MWord format: CVNA Minutes for December 2008

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