• Minutes for October 15, 2009

    Capitol View Neighborhood Association

    MEETING MINUTES – October 15, 2009

    The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m.

    Approximately 30 people were in attendance.

    Officers’ Reports

    President’s Report: No report.

    Vice President’s Report: Absent.

    Secretary’s Report: No report.

    Treasurer’s Report: Tony Thaxton, Jr. read his report. September income was $21.00 and expenses were $912.86 for a total revenue change of -$891.86. We have $1294.85 in our SunTrust account, $531.75 in our PayPal account. The total account balance was $1826.60. We also had $604.62 in dedicated funds. The total of undedicated funds is $1221.98.

    New Business

    Nominations for CVNA board: Nominations for CVNA board will be held next month, and elections will be held in December. Anyone interested in running for a CVNA executive position can speak with current board members.

    Special Guests (Government representatives and candidates for office)

    Officer Bryant from Zone 3: Assistant zone commander Bryant spoke about concerns about burglaries and larcenies. There hasn’t been a rash of crime, but this is what officers in the APD are focusing on. Officer Bachmann is tasked with addressing Dill Avenue. When crime increased recently, police tried to increase visibility in response. Auto thefts in Metropolitan Parkway corridor are also a concern. Businesses in 1900 block discussed concerning incidents in the area. Discussed finding evidence of illegal dumping, and how to prosecute that crime.

    Joyce Sheperd, City Councilwoman for District 12: Workshop to be held next Tuesday at Rosel Fann Recreation Center to discuss swine flu and emergency preparedness. Example of necessity of preparedness was apartment near Cleveland where flooding occurred. Training for neighborhood leaders for emergencies to begin soon. Fulton County Health Dept. will also be present to discuss flu pandemic preparation.

    Lisa Borders: Candidate for Atlanta mayor. Spent time on fire engines and police cars to understand problems at the ground level. Revenues expected to be flat for next five years, or could be worse. City will need to learn to do more with less in her opinion. Basic services (trash, water, safety) must be provided, so approaches must change in other places. Proposing public-private partnership to operate recreation facilities. Also wants more user-friendly website, to make it easier to find information about city services. Proposing pay-as-you-go rules for city. Wants to search for more creative solutions for city problems. Also, wants sales tax to be collected at local level, rather than state level. Core issue for campaign is finding new revenue streams and new solutions for city problems. She then took questions from the neighborhood.

    Caesar Mitchell: Candidate for Atlanta city council president. Requested to speak to the CVNA but did not attend the meeting.

    Keisha Waites: Candidate for Atlanta city council, district 12. Endorsed Councilwoman Sheperd in last election cycle, but says she doesn’t believe there has been adequate progress along Metropolitan corridor. Sees a great amount of potential in this community, but doesn’t believe it has been realized. Believes the city needs to go in a different direction, and asks members of the neighborhood for their vote. She also believes not enough has been done to lure businesses to the south side of Atlanta. Wants city to help find homes for police and teachers in high foreclosure neighborhoods.

    Yolanda Johnson: Incumbent candidate for Atlanta school board district 6. Discussed debate over TADs and funding for schools. Interested in feedback from community about whether community supports APS devoting funds to TADs for development.

    Old Business

    (No old business discussed)

    Neighborhood Announcements

    Proposed candidate debate: Emmanuel Tabernacle Church is hoping to host a forum for candidates aspiring to serve on the City Council for district 12. The forum would be held on Sunday, November 1 at 6:00p.m. at the church. One candidate has confirmed their attendance so far.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.

    Click here for the meeting minutes in MWord format: CVNA Minutes for October 2009

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