• Minutes for September 17, 2009

    Capitol View Neighborhood Association

    MEETING MINUTES – September 17, 2009

    The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m.

    Approximately 30 people were in attendance.

    Officers’ Reports

    President’s Report: Absent

    Vice President’s Report: No report.

    Secretary’s Report: No report.

    Treasurer’s Report: Tony Thaxton, Jr. read his report. August income was $21.00 and expenses were $70.91 for a total revenue change of -$49.91. We have $1294.85 in our SunTrust account, $511.66 in our PayPal account, and $604.62 in dedicated funds. The total of undedicated funds is $1201.89.

    New Business

    Ami Ciontos on new waste stations in park: New doggie disposal stations are being installed in Perkerson Park. Dog waste represents not only environmental contamination and a public health hazard, but also a nuisance in a public area. These stations are being installed to encourage pet owners to clean up after their pets. Waste stations are being installed as soon as this weekend. Volunteers will be responsible for maintaining stations.

    Special Guests (Government representatives and candidates for office)

    Officer Bryant from Zone 3: Assistant zone commander Bryant spoke about decrease in crime in the zone. Stopping property crime is still a problem in all areas of the city. Officers are brainstorming strategies to stop vehicle thefts and burglaries. Information is still coming in on Dill Avenue shooting. Incident on Katherwood is being investigated as well. Encouraged neighbors to email him with any information. D&K Auto Salvage is also a target of an investigation. Gambling establishment at 1230 Murphy Avenue is also being looked into. For people who take the bus, using a cell phone can persuade assailants not to do anything. Always be cautious about your surroundings.

    Atlanta Watershed: Update given on rehabilitation of sewer lines in Capitol View and the broader city. Companies are planning to rehab lines on several streets, including Dill Avenue. Hartford, Graham, Everhart and Genessee will be impacted by pipe bursting on several lines. Sewer lines run in the back of properties, and may be impacted by the project. Mark Scott is one representative and can be contacted to discuss this project at marksg2a1@gmail.com or 678-776-1035. The representatives assured the community that no lasting damage would be done to properties, and that any landscaping would be restored to the previous level or better. This work is part of the consent decree and is necessary for the city.

    Joyce Sheperd, City Councilwoman for District 12: Councilwoman Sheperd distributed information for those who wish to become block captains for their streets, to improve public safety for our neighborhood. On October 3, for Hands on Atlanta day, BeltLine Inc. will be cleaning old Harmon Brothers facility and cleaning Allene Avenue area. Focus is on Harmon Brothers. Property will be closed up. Anyone who is interested in participating in the project should contact Joyce Sheperd. If enough people want to participate, another trailer could be used. Library is still discussing sites proposed for new Stewart-Lakewood library; no decision has been made yet. People are still trying to open a strip club called “Billie Jean’s” on Metropolitan, and license review board will take up the request on Tuesday (now deferred). Joyce also briefly discussed her accomplishments as our city councilwoman. She is running for reelection and hopes the neighborhood will support her candidacy.

    Old Business

    Carol Coney on ASAP Initiative: “Act to Save Atlanta Parks” would encourage city to devote more money to parks and green space. One mil of city revenue would be dedicated to parks, phased in by 2012. Aggressively explore other funding sources for city parks. And to increase public safety in parks, possibly by encouraging police officers to move into foreclosed homes near city parks. New funding sources would be a boon to city parks. Park Pride has been very helpful with FOPP and its initiatives. NPU-X has endorsed the proposal, as has the Sylvan Hills neighborhood association. CVNA voted 13-1 to support the initiative.

    Capitol View vs. Sylvan Hills Kickball showdown: Two neighborhoods are going to battle in kickball. Representatives from APD and city government will be present as well. All neighbors are encouraged to attend as either participants or cheering spectators.

    Neighborhood Announcements

    Lisa Yeiser: Asked Joyce about how we would go about having convicts assigned to community service within our neighborhood, so that neighbors aren’t the only ones taking responsibility for cleaning up Capitol View.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

    Click here for the meeting minutes in MWord format: CVNA Minutes for September 2009

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