• Minutes for October 16, 2008

    Capitol View Neighborhood Association Meeting

    MEETING MINUTES – October 16, 2008 (unadopted)

    The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by President Michael Brooks.

    Meet and Greet – We had approximately 28 people in attendance.

    The September 18, 2008, general meeting minutes were adopted and accepted.

    President’s Report: Michael reported on the October 13th NPU-X meeting

    Vice President’s Report: Kim Garcia was not present.

    Secretary’s Report: Minutes were read, accepted and adopted.

    Treasurer’s Report: Natasha reported the CVNA bank balance- PayPal $290.67 Suntrust $2145.50

    This balance includes our grant monies. ($1000 for our Newsletter and $900 from Park Pride). Natasha also reported the upcoming events.

    Committee Reports:

    (1) Code Enforcement: None

    (2) Public Safety:

    (3) Welcome Wagon:

    (4) Economic and Community Affairs:

    (5) Environmental and Beautification: None

    Old Business: None

    New Business/Other:

    President Michael Brooks announced that we need to nominate new CVNA officers at the November meeting.

    We discussed the Holiday “lighting of the Park” to be held on the 1st weekend in December. The majority of people present raised their hands in support of this effort.

    Neighborhood Announcements:

    Johnny Watkins, a 21-year resident of Capitol View, announced that he had the Safe House Halloween posters for anyone that was interested in displaying one at their home (to let “Halloweeners” know that it was a “safe” house to visit for candy on Halloween night. He also announced his phone number in case anyone wanted to call to get a poster. 404-755-2551,

    Natasha announced that their was an organized effort for ride offers to take people to the polls on November 4th for the general election. The phone number is 404-584-2006 if you need a ride to go vote.

    We will have a holiday pot-luck party at our December scheduled meeting on December 18th, 2008, at the Perkerson Park Recreation Center. We will also be voting in new CVNA officers.

    We need to take an inventory of our tools in the neighborhood Tool Bank.

    Lisa Yeiser, Secretary of CVNA announced that she would appreciate suggestions of content for the Capitol View Newsletter.

    Natasha Brash, Treasurer of CVNA, was asked by Peter Kaplan (not present), to take a poll of people who had called Code Enforcement in the past month. No one raised their hand.

    Special Guests –

    Sgt. L. Hester, our Zone Community Liason, was present and announced that Major Finley was on his way.

    He also announced that we, as a community, should call Derek Crawley of Code Enforcement, and report any vacant homes that need Code Enforcement’s attention. Mr. Crawley’s number is 678-232-0157.

    Sgt. Hester’s phone numbers are: Office-404-624-0674 and Cell-678-232-0157.

    Major Finley (Zone 3) made an appearance and gave a review of police activity in our neighborhood. He reported on the robberies at 902 Dill, 1285 Sylvan, and 1076 Deckner. They have identified suspects and are working on a crack in the case. Major Finley’s phone number is 404-538-4650.

    There is an increase in police visibility in our neighborhood; especially with foot patrol.

    Detectives Geronski and Val Lester were also present. They are robbery detectives and asked for public cooperation. Their office number (Zone 3) is 404-230-6104.

    The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

    Click here for the meeting minutes in MWord format: CVNA Minutes for October 2008

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