Capitol View, Capitol View Manor, and Sylvan Hills Neighborhood Associations held a joint cleanup on Saturday, February 16th. The group worked at cleaning up trash and leaves from Dill Avenue to Murphy Avenue, parts of Metropolitan Ave, Desoto, Deckner, and Perkerson Park. We filled a dumpster with waste and collected close to 100 tires laying around in the neighborhood and took them to Liberty Tire for recycling.
A big thanks to everyone that came out for the Cleanup and to the organizers: Denise Tevis, Olivia Henderson, and Jen Waters. A special thank you to Solomon of Metro FoodMart at Metropolitan and Gennesse who donated muffins, breakfast sandwiches, water, and cokes.
Thanks to Neda and Creative Loafing for being out and getting the Do Good project that will be an anti-littering campaign and will bring trash cans to our streets!