I. Call to order
Ruben Burney, Chair, called to order the regular meeting of NPU-X at 7:12 pm in the Stewart-Lakewood library with a moment of silence.
II. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Motion passed: Minutes from the November 2011 meeting approved. (vote: 15-for; 0-against; 0-abstentions)
III. Chair’s Report
Mr. Burney announced that he would be serving as chair of the Lakewood Oversight committee.
IV. Treasurer’s report
Ms. Read reported that the NPU’s account has a balance of$590.50. Contributions were not collected at the last meeting. The envelope was circulated to collect donations.
Motion passed: Donation of $100 to the Sullivan Center. (vote: 11-for; 0-against; 1-abstention)
V. Officer Elections
Under the direction of Garnett Brown, the following were nominated and elected to officer and committee positions:
Lakewood Oversight Committee (4 positions of which 2 are vacant). Ruben Burney is the chair and Be Edwards serves from our community also. Kenneth Johnson and Steve Williams were nominated and voted in as committee members. The oversight committee is the liaison between the amphitheater and the community to address any problems. The committee is also supposed to attend events at the amphitheater and monitor for issues (e.g., noise, traffic, trash, etc.).
VI. Presentations
Dr. Johnny Brown, Chiropractor, and Dr. Fleming from Sparlan Chiropractic Clinic introduced themselves and announced that a minor emergency medical clinic is not operating in the clinic. A medical doctor is now on staff in addition to the chiropractors who treat back ailments. Sparlin is located at the corner of Sylvan and Dill Ave. Sparlin will provide complimentary medical consultation as an introduction to its new service for the month of January 2012.
VII. Public Services
Lt. Dodd, APD Zone 3 Night Watch Commander [mdodd@atlantaga.gov] has been in our zone a couple of months since his transfer from Zone 1. He highlighted crimes at businesses and encouraged residents to call 911 when questionable or suspicious activity is seen.
Lt. Jackson, MARTA police south precinct, noted an increase of snatch thefts on trains. Juveniles grabbing electronics from passengers. See Something, Say Somethingcampaign is an effort to involve riders to report illegal or suspicious activity. Calling #MPD from a cell phone will reach MARTA police.
Lewis Grisoglio from MARTA external affairs, (ph. 404-848-5337) was also present and announced that MARTA will have public hearing concerning 5 routes on January 24 & 26. He left flyers with details of the hearings.
No representative from the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department
Watershed Management: Clifford Ice, Storm water compliance—approach, progress and challenges facing Perkerson Creek. Reports of discoloration in the creek, most recently a milky white color with some solids flowing in creek. Investigating the industrial users to see if there is any dumping in storm drains and manholes (like dumping of restaurant waste). Also, do dye tests to determine if there are any structural problems with the sanitary sewers such as cracks. Recent tests haven’t shown any such problems. Also using cameras in the sewers to locate problems—cross connections between storm water and sanitary sewers. Need 48 hours after a rain to do test. Storm water management must be contacted as soon as creek discoloration is noted. Call 404-557-3792 (cell) or 404-546-1356 (desk) to contact Mr. Ice which is faster than going through customer service.
The public information officer from IMS Joint Venture working on the Rockdale pipeline/ sewer line installation project provided brochures with diagrams of work they are doing in the area.
Office of Public Works (includes Solid Waste Services)—Santana Wright, ph.404-330-6333. Noted readiness for winter storms with new sand spreaders and snow plows and contractors on call. Residents reported the following neighborhood issues:
Code compliance—report of activity 12/1-1/6/2012. Over 200 complaints made for the Sylvan and Murphy area. Residents reported the following concerns:
VIII. Elected Official’s Report
State Rep. Ralph Long (cell ph. 770-616-2130) shared that today was the first day in session at the capitol. He serves on the transportation, Natural resources and higher education committees. Rep. Long plans to introduce HB206, State Employees Whistleblower Protection bill and HB678 that would require mattress retailers to sterilize used mattress parts before being resold. He will also reintroduce HB260, the pentachlorophenal bill addressing air pollution from facilities like the telephone pole manufacturer in East Point. Rep. Long will alert the community when these bills come up for committee hearings to garner support via residents’ attendance at the hearing. Rep. Long also expressed his concerns for public safety related to Zone 3 beat change sand crime spikes for this area.
Councilmember Joyce Sheperd announced that she will host a town hall meeting on February 4th to discuss public safety, flood plain maps, and other district 12 issues. The location is to be determined but it will likely be at Atlanta Metropolitan College. The meeting will also be an opportunity to better introduce Major Cavender to the community. Other news from Councilmember Sheperd includes:
Claire Farley, community prosecutor, cell 678-595-4952, has a community concerns survey to communicate needs, concerns and goals to the DA, Paul Howard.
IX. Committees
Public safety committee meets in 2 weeks at 6:30 pm at Rice Memorial Church.
X. Zoning Review Board
Motion passed: Deny V-11-175, zoning variance for an oversize parking pad in front of a residence (5-for; 0-against; 3-abstentions).
XI. License Review Board
Joseph & Esther, Inc/Esther Food Mart at 902 Dill Ave., SW requests change of ownership for beer and wine sales license. Concerns about loitering within store. Have close circuit television system. Cannot afford security guard. Request that the owners come to the Capitol View N.A. meeting on January 19th and that they attend the public safety committee meeting also. Motion made and passed to that effect. (Vote: 14-for; 0-opposed; 2 abstentions)
XII. New business
Neighborhood grant–Chase Randall reported that the NPU has received a grant of $3,500 to be used to promote public safety and develop a neighborhood business directory. The NPU’s public safety committee will be working on a revised spending plan to show how the money will be spent by the grant deadlines. Specifically, the plan must identify vendors who will receive payments for services or supplies. The revised proposal is due by this Friday. For the proposed public safety event outlined in the grant proposal, Chase and the public safety committee is considering possible locations such as MetroLanes, Cream or Solution. The committee must track successful outcomes related to the grant activities. Chase will email information on the revised proposal to the NPU officers so the revisions can be submitted by the deadline.
XIII. Adjournment
Mr. Burney adjourned the meeting at 9:30 pm.
Minutes submitted by: Kenneth A. Johnson.