• Minutes for April 17, 2008

    Capitol View Neighborhood Association Meeting

    MEETING MINUTES – April 17, 2008

    The meeting was called to order at 7:13 p.m. by President Michael Brooks.

    The March 20, 2008, general meeting minutes were adopted and accepted.

    Meet and Greet

    President’s Report: None
    Vice President’s Report: None
    Secretary’s Report: Lisa Yeiser read the March 20th, 2008 minutes and they were passed and adopted.
    Treasurer’s Report: Natasha Brash reported our NPU meeting. We will be getting 12 officers on foot patrol. Lisa and Natasha submitted for our first grant for Park Pride. Michael Brooks explained that the Capitol View Neighborhood Association bought $500 worth of equipment and tools in the past years and these are stored at the community garden club. Who will volunteer to assess the condition of the tools? Miss Lena Brooks is the President of the Garden club (meeting 1st Monday of the Month). We need to contact them to get access to the tools for assessment. Johnny Watkins suggested (grants) beautification a spot or two in the neighborhood. also, he suggested a Fall Event. John Wehby suggested sidewalk renovation.

    There is $775.30 in our bank account.

    We need people to support the fight against the Cell Tower and asked that attendees sign the petition against the installation of the Cell Tower.

    Committee Reports: Kim urged people to join one of the committees. She wants to do an event in the fall.
    (1) Code Enforcement: Peter Kaplan said he flooded Code Enforcement with violations. Peter’s email address to report Code Violations is: capviewdeputy@hotmail.com 404-752-7660.
    (2) Public Safety: Tony Thaxton jr. reported the March 24th Safety meeting – Marta reported no crimes. Capitol View Security Alliance website will be posted. A lot of Kroger snatch-n-grab crimes; don’t leave your valuables in plain view
    (3) Welcome Wagon
    (4) Economic and Community Affairs:
    (5) Environmental and Beautification:

    Old Business: By Laws. Tony Thaxton, Jr. There is a ballot in the envelope. Summary of change of the bylaws. Copy of present and also former bylaws. They are due back by the 29th of April. The bylaws committee will count the votes.

    New Business/Other: Mark Malte – Beechwood and Hartford built a 12×16 simple wooden deck. He requested approval from the neighborhood, which we voted on (23 yays) It was properly motioned and passed.

    Neighborhood Announcements: Earth Day Cleanup April 26, meet at the Perkerson Park Pavillion at 9:00 a.m. Scrappy Green Tire recyclers will have two trailers parked at the top of the Park near the ballfield to collect scrap tires.

    Joanne Glass, senior coordinator, announced that the rec center is mainly for Seniors and Teens,

    Every Friday from 12 Noon to 8:00 p.m. She has made arrangements to take the Seniors to Rock Ranch at the end of the month.

    Joanne also presented the “Power to End Stroke”, a pledge card that you have to sign – it gives information regarding the signs of a stroke.

    Fire on Hartford – Memorial Service on Saturday and will be at Perkerson Park. Miss Hall (homeowner) is still in intensive care.

    Thomas Garcia teaches seniors computer skills on Saturdays.

    Matt Cherry has recognized that we have a lot of musicians in the neighborhood. He would like to have a Fall Music Festival and barbeque festival.

    Anna Cherry, who works for Congressman John Lewis, announced that every year there is a multicultural festival and has suggested that they hold it in Perkerson Park. The John Lewis Multicultural Festival will be held on June 22nd., Sunday, 11 am to 2 pm. This has usually been held in Grant Park with approximately 200 people attending. She requested that people sign up to volunteer to help with the festival.

    Charles Pippin announced we have our first newsletter for the Capitol View Security Alliance.

    April 28th meeting there will be a judge there to discuss juvenile crimes. Safety Meeting.

    Special Guests: City, County, State & Federal Officials:

    Miltresa McMichael from the City discussed water conservation. northgeorgiawater.org 404-546-1264 (speak to Kim Davis). Ms. McMichael passed out water conservation kits (included leak tests, faucet aerators, shower heads) to Capitol View residents attending the meeting.

    The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

    Click here for the meeting minutes in MWord format: CVNA Minutes April 2008

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