• Minutes from May 15, 2008

    Capitol View Neighborhood Association Meeting

    MEETING MINUTES – May 15, 2008

    The meeting was called to order at 7:13 p.m by Vice President Kim Garcia

    The April 17th, 2008, general meeting minutes were adopted and accepted.

    Meet and Greet – We had 32 people in attendance.

    President’s Report: President Michael Brooks was not present due to illness.

    Vice President’s Report: Kim reported that the Welcome committee wants to be notified when new people move into the neighborhood.

    Secretary’s Report: Lisa Yeiser reported on the grant we received (thanks to Natasha Brash) from Park Pride for dog waste stations to be located at Perkerson Park.

    Christie Welch found a site that spays/neuters ferrel cats. The LifeLine Spay & Neuter Clinic performs these surgeries at no-charge if you bring the ferrel cats in. Their phone number is 404-292-880 ext. 24.

    Councilmember Joyce Sheperd has a new website: www.atlantadistrict12.com

    Dianne Bryant, chair of NPU-X, reported to us, via email, that Sprint wants a variance for a second story on their building.

    A property on Warner wants to build-out storage units.

    Committee Reports:

    Kim urged people to join one of the committees. She wants to do an event in the fall.

    (1) Code Enforcement: Peter Kaplan said has flooded them with Code Violations. capviewdeputy@hotmail.com 404-752-7660. Peter has put out 23 code violations so far, 3 have been attended to. He left forms that we could fill out.

    (2) Public Safety: Tony Thaxton jr. reported that he went to the NPU Safety Meeting on April 28th . 1 car stolen. Governor Perdue signed that you could carry a gun on Marta. DA office reported how they could assist the community.

    (3) Welcome Wagon:

    (4) Economic and Community Affairs:

    (5) Environmental and Beautification:

    Old Business:

    New Business/Other: The vote for the new By-Laws: We received 24 ballots – 23 voted to Accept (unanimous) votes counted by Tony Thaxton and Charles Pippin. We adopted the new By-Laws.

    Neighborhood Announcements: We postponed this weekend’s neighborhood cleanup.

    Special Guests :

    Joyce Sheperd was in attendance to have a discussion regarding the park recreation center. She is making an assessment on the situation. A lengthy question/answer session ensued.

    She also told us about her After 5 summer youth program, which begins on June 2nd.

    Dr. Eugene Sparlin, of Sparlin Health Care, was present to speak also. He is really concerned with the new restaurant, Dollar Wing that opened up at Sylvan and Dill (southwest) corner. Joyce said we need to start calling the police regarding the loitering, etc. (keep complaining). We need “beat cops” on Dill Avenue.

    The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

    Click here for the meeting minutes in MWord format: CVNA Minutes for 2008

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