• Minutes for August 21, 2008

    Capitol View Neighborhood Association Meeting

    MEETING MINUTES – August 21, 2008

    The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by Vice- President Kim Garcia.

    Meet and Greet – We had approximately 40 people in attendance.

    The July 17, 2008, general meeting minutes were accepted and adopted.

    President’s Report: None (Michael not present)

    Vice President’s Report: None

    Secretary’s Report: Read minutes

    Treasurer’s Report: Natasha reported bank balance- Suntrust. $1,255.81 PayPal $290.67. One thousand dollars of the total is the grant money for our Neighborhood Newsletter. She also reported on Upcoming Events.

    Committee Reports:

    (1) Code Enforcement: Peter Kaplan

    capviewdeputy@hotmail.com 404-752-7660. Peter asked if anyone had called Code Enforcement in the last month (No one acknowledged…) He was frustrated that people weren’t more involved with reporting violations to Code Enforcement. He relayed that community support was essential in this area.

    (2) Public Safety: none

    (3) Welcome Wagon: none
    (4) Economic and Community Affairs:

    (5) Environmental and Beautification: none

    Old Business: none

    New Business/Other: none

    Neighborhood Announcements:

    Special Guests. Derek Duckworth, president of Sylvan Hills Neighborhood Association, reported on his recent trip to San Diego (with Annie Casey Foundation) to find out more about PROJECT SAFEWAY. He shared important information regarding PROJECT SAFEWAY with all present.

    9:15 Inman park station – Beltline Tour.

    Ralph Long III – thanked everyone for their support of his new position as State Representative. His cell number is 770-616-2130.

    John Ritger, Atlanta Disc Golf Organization, organized a large tournament in February at Perkerson Park and donated over $2000 to The Sullivan Center. They recently had 45 kids from Rosel Fann Center come and participate in disc golf. The Disc Golf Organization wants to buy eleven acres to add to the park. They’ve been testing out the final design and would like some help from the community as far as design ideas. jritger@gmail.com. They play around 5:30 pm every Wednesday at Perkerson Park.

    Jolly is Natasha’s neighbor, and they are trying to get a CampOut organized for Friday, September 12. She wanted people to sign up if they were interested.

    House in the Park is an event that will be held at Perkerson Park on August 31, 2008. Ramone Russell heads the event.

    Joyce Sheperd was in attendance, and spoke about the recent Neighborhood Deputy Program. Joyce has requested that inspectors, community residents, police officers, and public works departments walk the community and put together a database and track code violations, drug houses, etc. She wanted a show of hands of those who would be interested. She was going to check and see if it could be organized for Saturday, September 20. Joyce will be in touch with us regarding the final date and time.

    Joyce has organized a district 12 Public Safety meeting for Thursday, September 4, 2008 at the Emmanuel Tabernacle Baptist Church, 823 Dill Avenue. Chief Pennington, Deputy Chief Peter Andresen, Zone 4 Burglary Unit and Gang Unit, Community Prosecutor Ladonna Blackett-Jones will be present.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.

    Click here for the meeting minutes in MWord format: CVNA Minutes for August 2008

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