• Minutes for January 21, 2010

    Capitol View Neighborhood Association

    MEETING MINUTES – January 21, 2010

    The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m.

    Approximately 54 people were in attendance.

    Officers’ Reports

    President’s Report: Asked about Neighbor’s Abbey and their work to address problems with teenage prostitution. On Monday, January 25, Claude Perkins will be at state court at 1:30pm.

    Vice President’s Report: No report.

    Secretary’s Report: No report.

    Treasurer’s Report: Tony Thaxton, Jr. read his report. December income was $1007.00 and expenses were $1007.00 for a total revenue change of $0.00 (Funds were allocated to environmental lawyer who is targeting illegal businesses in Capitol View.) Tony said the books are available for anyone who wants to examine them, and reminded everyone that with a new year, membership dues are due.

    Special Guests (Government representatives and candidates for office)

    Major Mitchell, new commander for Zone 3: Contact info for the new zone commander is 404-273-8178, rmitchell@atlantaga.gov. Leader of field operations was also in attendance. Email is cmoss@atlantaga.gov, 404-546-4236. Leader of investigators for gang unit was also present at the meeting. Incident report from event on Dill Avenue was brought. Several initiatives have been conducted, including surveillance. Adults and juveniles were arrested on Dill Avenue. Some were repeat offenders. Crimes cost thousands of dollars in damage to businesses and stolen cars. APD pushed for juveniles to remain in custody, and for high bond to be required for adults. One of the juveniles arrested was a resident of the home, and resident was cooperative with the police. Question was asked about whether parent had a responsibility for juvenile. Officer replied that APD is considering how to address participation of parents in crimes. Questions about tags appearing around neighborhood. Many juveniles are members of 30 Deep gang, but there are various spin-offs. Ages of people arrested during latest incident ranged from 13 to 19. Police suggested residents call crimestoppers with any information they can offer about incidents, or visit APD’s website for additional information. Police also discussed ways to address concerns about negligent landlords. If three or more incidents occur at one property over a certain period of time, cease and desist letter can be sent to the address. Prosecutors can also threaten to seize house. Community prosecutor is interested in pursuing this with the community in the future. Gang unit contact: aezell@atlantaga.gov, 404-906-0138. Major Meadows discussed homicide on Deckner (Perkerson Park). There are leads in the case, possible person was visiting someone in the area. Shell casings weren’t linked to murders in any other area, ballistic evidence didn’t suggest link or other crimes. Sergeant Brock from vice unit discussed concerns about teenage prostitution. Said they hadn’t apprehended a large number of juvenile prostitutes, and more arrests in general made on Metropolitan. Prostitution has decreased specifically in our neighborhood, although it’s still a serious concern in many places. Hammond Park remains a much bigger concern than Capitol View. Questions were asked about shooting incidents at Chico’s grocery.

    State Representative Ralph Long III: Appreciated number of police who attended the meeting. Newsletter will be printed on a monthly basis. Suggested that residents take the advantage to pursue change at the state level. Rep. Long is on transportation committee, and urges residents to attend committee meetings. Rep. Long updated community on state business. He’ll be hosting a town hall meeting February 2 at Atlanta Technical College. He’s always available to hear our constituent concerns. He’ll also send along concerns about public safety to relevant parties. Also urges residents to contact him on Facebook.

    State Senator Nan Orrock: Introduced herself and her portfolio. Described state government as polarized, with minority party facing serious obstacles. Democrats in state legislature hope to approve ability for regions to tax themselves for transportation needs. Budget is under serious constraints and will pose a challenge to Georgia’s future. Democrats also interested in special interest tax breaks and “corporate tax giveaways.” Sen. Orrock can be contacted at 404-463-8054/404-660-9698.

    Joyce Sheperd, City Councilwoman for District 12: Thanked APD for visiting tonight. Another public safety meeting will be held soon following car chase and carjacking on Murphy Avenue. Meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Monday at Rice Memorial Presbyterian Church at 1515 Brewer Blvd. at Sylvan Road. Concerns about juvenile justice system will be discussed along with other issues. She also urged residents to call police immediately whenever they see anything suspicious going on. Thanked neighborhood for reelecting her to another term of office. Said economic development is a priority for her as the city moves forward. She would like to see an economic development committee to coordinate with the city in the future. Jackie Crenshaw had a triple bypass heart operation. Family is asking that neighbors respect her privacy for the moment, to give her time to recuperate from this serious operation.

    Old Business

    CVNA board elections: Darin Bohm as President. Olivia Henderson for Vice-President. Tony for Treasurer. Beth Schechter for Secretary. Position of parliamentarian remains open.

    CVNA dues: Urged all neighbors to pay annual dues in the amount of $20 for the year.

    Olivia Henderson for Friends of Perkerson Park, Spring Forward Festival: First annual Spring Forward festival will be held at Perkerson Park March 27 from 11:00am to 6:00pm. The event is city-sponsored. Several tables will be there, and festival will be a fundraiser. Funds will go to the park. Steering committee is looking for volunteers to help with festival. Bands and music will be there as well. Committee is also pursuing an alcohol permit for the event. Sen. Orrock volunteered to help with liquor permit.

    Hakim Hilliard, Allene Avenue Redevelopment: Not present. Mr. Hilliard will be present at next meeting to discuss cleanup of Exide Battery Plant.

    Laurel Rummel for Annie Casey Foundation: Launch is on Thursday, February 4 at 5:30pm at Salvation Army center for the new Consumer Advocacy Group. Consumer Reports is involved as well. Group will be trying to push for new grocery centers in our neighborhood. Group will be giving out gift cards for people who attend the launch. Dinner will be served and childcare will be provided. On a separate issue, Atlanta-Fulton is still selecting sites for new libraries. Site selection could come within four months and groundbreaking could happen by the end of the year. For more information on Friends of Stewart-Lakewood library or Annie Casey foundation, call 404-756-0230 or contact Laurel at Laurel@goodcleandesign.com.

    New Business

    Burke Lambert and representatives of Prestwick Development: Spoke to neighborhood about project at property adjacent to Oakland City station. Pursuing tax credit application for new senior living center at property. Prestwick Development has years of experience in such development. Company seeks allocation of tax credits, then sells to companies in need of tax relief, and then uses money for development projects. Current environment is challenging, but company wants to work with community for project. Company will own project for 15 years, and will raise 22 million dollars. Showed examples of projects currently being built. 170 rooms in the building. Approximate parking density would be around .75. Security cameras will be there, along with on-site security. Planning for one and two bedroom units. Management unit, 15% of units will be market rate, others will be rent restricted. Residents must be 55 years or older. State does take into account density of such projects. Retail will not be a component of this project. Application will go into state/federal government and would be decided on by fall, but then credits must be sold. Time for groundbreaking would be roughly Spring 2011. NPU-X has already approved the project, which is important since the Mayor’s approval of the project is helpful. Property will face the MARTA station and will be dense, which is consistent with the BeltLine vision.

    Neighborhood Announcements

    Discussion of Federal Reserve: Neighbor expressed fears about fundamental issues about U.S. economy and the role of the Federal Reserve. Asked if anyone would like to discuss this issue with him on Sunday from 10:00am to 1:00pm on Beattie across from the park.

    Page program for legislature: Anyone whose child would like to participate in the page program with the legislature should contact Sen, Nan Orrock. Also, city officials and neighborhood leaders are working to address safety issue. Summerhill is sponsoring children to attend police academy and to mentor them, to help build up youth programs in the city.

    Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

    Click here for the meeting minutes in MWord format:CVNA Minutes for January 2010

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