• Minutes for August 20, 2009

    Capitol View Neighborhood Association

    MEETING MINUTES – August 20, 2009

    The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m.

    Approximately 25 people were in attendance.

    Officers’ Reports

    President’s Report: No report

    Vice President’s Report: Reminder for members of CVNA to pay their dues if their membership has expired.

    Secretary’s Report: No report.

    Treasurer’s Report: Tony Thaxton, Jr. read his report. July income and expenses were none. We have $2276.80 in our SunTrust account, $511.66 in our PayPal account, and $1504.62 in dedicated funds. The total of undedicated funds is $1283.84.

    New Business

    Monica for Friends of Perkerson Park: Committee started to oversee park and to organize cleanups when possible. Meetings are once a month. Anyone can join. Google group is open as well. Park Pride offering work of Emory public health students for one morning. On Wednesday, Vern will supervise them on a cleanup with Atlanta Watershed from 8:30am to noon. Other cleanups are in the works. Working on a grant to plant ornamental trees for creek. Vern and Lisa are working on installation of doggie waste stations. Discussion about becoming a non-profit, but organization is new. Next meeting is at the pavilion in the park, date undetermined.

    Kim and Monica on kickball game: Capitol View is challenging Sylvan Hills to a kickball game, possibly on Saturday, October 3. Time to be determined.

    Carol Coney on Park Pride initiative: Park Pride is pushing the ASAP initiative. To seek dedicated funding sources for parks. Park is asking that one third of property tax increase will be reserved for spending on park. Initiative could increase mowing schedule (11 days to 5 days), increase off-season litter control, reinstate kudzu eradication programs, accelerate removal of dead or dying trees, and provide more money for sidewalks. Taxes wouldn’t be increased. Dedicated funding could go to additional parkland and green space. Money would also be dedicated to public safety in park. Sylvan Hills has endorsed it. This will not be on the ballot, but will be prepared to ask elected politicians to endorse it after the election.

    New voting rules for CVNA: Any organizations requesting that CVNA endorse a particular proposal will have to present that at one meeting, and the following meeting, following a time of questions, a vote will be held. Any electronic documents will be posted on the website so that educated decisions can be made about voting decisions.

    Special Guests (Government representatives and candidates for office)

    Joyce Shepard, City Councilwoman for District 12: Councilwoman Shepard wanted to know if everyone received a copy of her newsletter. She thanked everyone for attending National Night Out, and especially those people who volunteered. She welcomed new members of our neighborhood. City’s goal is to reopen recreation centers by next year, or pursue grants to reopen recreation center at Perkerson Park. New program based out of Washington High School to encourage more inner city youth to play baseball. Also will require that youth keep their grades up and participate in outreach to the community. Purpose is to send youth to colleges on baseball scholarships (LEAD). Kickoff is September 12th. Program is sponsored by CJ Stewart. On Saturday, August 29th from 9:00am to noon at fire station on Lee Street, there will be a workshop to discuss redevelopment of Fort McPherson. Specifically, looking at impact of redevelopment on the surrounding neighborhoods. She thanked several members of community who joined her in pursuing prosecution of Perkins Auto for numerous code and environmental violations. Perkins has said that he is planning to move his operation out of Capitol View. She also discussed importance of CourtWatch and asked for more neighborhood participation in this program. Perkins will be in court next Thursday. City is focusing on Murphy Triangle area, but there are several businesses that need to be looked at for possible code or environmental violations. New pilot program being introduced to ensure that businesses are complying with city ordinances for watershed at the end of the year. Councilwoman is running for reelection and everyone is welcome to join her at a campaign kickoff at the B-Complex.

    Jesse Spikes, mayoral candidate: Discussed his vision for the city of Atlanta and why he is running for mayor. Wants to begin a dialogue with the community. Native of Henry County who decided one year ago to run for mayor. Grew up on a farm, the son of a sharecropper. Mr. Spikes was awarded a Rhodes scholarship and studied at Oxford, later attended Harvard Law School. Also spent over four years in the Middle East pursuing economic opportunities for the city of Atlanta under Mayor Andrew Young. Mr. Spikes is a lawyer and a business owner, and says he is prepared to address Atlanta’s serious financial problems. He says his personal background and professional experience makes him best equipped to handle the city’s problems.

    Old Business

    Anti-tethering ordinance: Beginning September 4, it will be illegal to chain dogs up on your property. City and neighborhood is pushing a community education project, so this won’t be a surprise for those dog owners who do chain up their animals.

    House in the Park: Annual music festival held in Perkerson Park over the Labor Day weekend, on Sunday September 6 from noon to 8:00 p.m. All are welcome to participate.

    Neighborhood Announcements

    Jackie Crewshaw on Block Association and Block Watch: Jackie is recruiting neighbors who want to join a block association for neighbors to improve the safety, security and cleanliness of our neighborhood. She also invited people to the Annual Friends and Family Day at New Love Missionary Baptist Church on August 30 at 11:00am.

    Fundraising drive called One Love bicycle ride: Raises money to teach bike safety and to introduce bicycling to inner city youth. Starts in College Park, and rides of various lengths are available. Date is September 5th.

    Lisa on Councilwoman Shepard’s campaign kickoff: Lisa Yeiser invited people to attend a campaign kickoff for Councilwoman Shepard at the B-complex in our neighborhood.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

    Click here for the meeting minutes in MWord format: CVNA Minutes for August 2009

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