• Minutes for June 18, 2009

    Capitol View Neighborhood Association

    MEETING MINUTES – June 18, 2009

    The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

    Approximately 90 people were in attendance.


    Mayor Shirley Franklin: Mayor Franklin appeared to discuss the situation with salvage yards in the community. Lisa Yeiser made a short presentation concerning Perkins Auto. The presentation discussed the flow of runoff from salvage yards to Perkerson Park creek. Violations were observed from salvage yards as recently as last Friday, June 12. The presentation discussed concerns about the possibility of environmental contamination. Joyce Sheperd recognized several local representatives in the audience. The Mayor then spoke to the community and took questions about the situation. She said that her practice is to accept the advice of the city attorneys when there is a conflict between recommendations of the License Review Board.

    State Senator Kasim Reed: State Senator Kasim Reed appeared to discuss his vision for the city of Atlanta. He is running for Mayor, and gave a short presentation. He said that his priority if he were to become Mayor was safety, and ending furloughs in the police department. Senator Reed then took several questions from members of the community.

    APD’s Major Finley from Zone 3: Robberies are still a concern in the neighborhood. Similar situations have been reported involving a firearm (pistol or shotgun). Auto thefts are a major concern for the community. Patrols have increased in response to those crimes. Gang-related crimes are also a major focus for the department, and police are considering the issue. Dodges and Chryslers are popular choices for thieves. They are often stolen and then used to commit other crimes. The criminals are then later ditching the car.

    Motion to move meetings: A motion was made out of order to move the location of the meetings. A discussion about parliamentary procedure followed, but no resolution was finalized. (A discussion about moving the meetings was held afterwards, but nothing was decided.)

    Officers’ Reports

    President’s Report: No report

    Vice President’s Report: No report.

    Secretary’s Report: A vote was taken to waive the reading of the minutes and to enter them into the record. Several neighborhood announcements were made.

    Treasurer’s Report: Tony Thaxton, Jr. was absent, but the following report was posted. We have $1916.80 in our SunTrust account, $491.57 in our PayPal account, and $1504.62 in dedicated funds. The total of undedicated funds is $903.75.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m.

    Click here for the meeting minutes in MWord format: CVNA Minutes for June 2009

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