• CVNA Meeting Minutes for August 2012

    CVNA August Monthly Meeting
    August 16th 2012
    Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm
    About 16 people in attendance
    Last month’s minutes accepted

    President’s Report (Paul)
    Popsicles in the park was successful:150 to 200 attendees. Thanks to volunteers and attendees. Joyce Shepard’s office handed out school supplies.
    Plans for hotdogs and kickball event in the park in October.
    Perkerson Elementary busing issue is causing some problems. If you are within a mile of the school you do not get a bus regardless of the type of neighborhood you live in. Prin Bender is trying to make adjustments. Good things are happening there: mural at entrance of Perkerson, arts, and focus on world languages.

    First Friday, come meet your neighbors.

    Had an increase in paying membership by about 7 or 8 members.

    Vice President’s Report (Olivia)
    Come to the August 18th clean-up this Saturday 8 am, Sullivan Center refreshments are served. Cleanup is 8:30 am to 10:30 am meet at the Sullivan Center clean up Genessee and Beatie.

    Secretary’s Report (Denise)
    Please remember to sign-in for CVNA and Perkerson Rec Center
    Thanks to those who participated in the Nicky’s Seafood Fundraiser. We had about 30 participants and raised $30 for funds for clean-ups.

    Treasurer’s Report (Tony)
    revenue: $295.00
    expenses: $109.00
    Fidelity balance $1975.55
    PayPal balance $426.92
    Total Accounts:$2402.47
    undedicated $1679.87

    Dr. McGaha
    Atlanta Metropolitan College

    Focus on expanding the academic landscape and connecting to the community. Received accreditation for another 10 years. Wants to provide a supply of teachers for local schools in science and math. Have degree proposals for 4 baccalaureate programs. This year hired 10 new faculty members 6 in math and science and most with PhDs.  62% of faculty hold PhDs.

    They now have CVE buildings, but didn’t know that their budget was going to be reduced 5% this year and 5% next year when they bid for the building. Cannot maintain CVE with the budget as it is now, so they have backed off the request. A land transfer to Atlanta Tech was offered but the lease would have to be offered at $1/sq ft for a 65k sq ft building. They are not going to let this be a setback. They have higher test scores coming in and have reduced the number of classes they offer that don’t count for college credit. They are still a commuter school, but the average age of the student is dropping and many students are coming right out of high school, meaning they are a first choice school.
    Q: What can we do as a community to support your initiatives?A: Let’s have joint efforts together. We would love to have community efforts on the campus. We like to have conversations with you and want to share with you what we think is beneficial. We will do everything we possibly can. A lot of people still don’t know what we do. Encourage people to attend our school, our graduation rates are better. Q: What are you doing to help students who don’t qualify to get in?A: If you apply and don’t get in we have a course that costs $89 that helps someone who doesn’t meet admission requirements meet them. Q: What about dropouts?A: That’s a GED program. We are only equipped to go so far back. We can only help so much, and when a person is missing fundamentals, it is difficult. But we do have a program called project GRAD that is in three high schools that can help. We’d love to have a fully developed GED program, but we don’t at this point.

    Lt Coats

    Be aware of snatch and grab with electronic equipment by youths age 15 to 20 when train doors are closing. Had an incident in Lenox and Bankhead this week. Averaging 3 to 4 incidents a week. MARTA is thinking of developing a video to educate people about this problem. Beware Honda Accords and Chryslers for theft in parking lots. There has been a glitch with Breeze machines that should be resolved this week. Catalytic converters are being stolen from SUVs that are high up off the ground. If your car makes an unusual noise when you start it up, this may be the cause.
    Q: What about cameras in parking lots? A: No there are no cameras in parking lots. What about more policeman?A: They have already taken one of the off days from all of us, so they are getting as much coverage as they can.

    CVSA (Tommy)
    Join Capitol View Security Alliance!
    Arrest on Dill and Metropolitan for marijuana sale and illegal gun possession by clerk of the store. Break in at 1480 Fairbanks, caught in action. These arrests are a direct result of knowing where these hot spots are. If we let the officers we hire know where problem areas are, they can suppress them.

    Gloria Smith
    Kathy Ashe’s Office

    Kathy Ashe will be retiring. Wants us to sign a book.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:04 pm

    Click here to download August CVNA Meeting Minutes

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