• Minutes for January 17, 2008

    Capitol View Neighborhood Association Meeting

    MEETING MINUTES – January 17, 2008


    The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by President Michael Brooks.

    The November 29, 2007, general meeting minutes were adopted and accepted.

    Meet and Greet – We had 48 people in attendance.

    Officer’s Reports:

    President’s Report: Michael gave a report on the last NPU-X meeting he attended.

    Vice President’s Report: Kim Garcia informed us that we need to form committees and we need volunteers. (1) Economic & Community Dev. (2) Outreach (3) Public Safety and Health.

    She said we really need to get involved with the Neighborhood Deputies Program and there is a workshop on Saturday, January 26 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm at City Hall South. We need someone from the neighborhood to attend the workshop and get “deputized”.

    We will post a full list of Committees and Sub-Committees on our website (www.capitolview.org) for neighbors to review and, hopefully, be able to volunteer some time helping on these committees.

    Secretary’s Report: Lisa Yeiser reported that we have our new banners in, as well as our new CVNA meeting yard signs. We need people to “adopt a block” and volunteer to display the signs in their respective yards. We also need these volunteers to help us distribute various neighborhood paraphernalia when necessary.

    Treasurer’s Report: Natasha Brash reported our current bank balance. She also informed us that our by-laws draft is available for review (also online at our website) and we need to vote on them at our February meeting.

    Committee Reports:

    (1) Economic and Community Development: Christie Welch is involved with the Mortgage Fraud Task Force and is working diligently to compile a list of suspected homes and submit these addresses to the Tax Assessor’s Office, who will then, in turn, contact the proper authorities for investigation.

    (2) Public Safety: Charles Pippin reported on our Security Patrol and has asked our patrol officer to provide a copy of the arrests, along with his shift reports. The patrol is proving to be effective in our fight against criminal activity in the neighborhood. He also said that although we currently have 52 active members, but we need more so that we can increase the patrol hours, which are four hours per week right now.

    The next NPU-X Public Safety Meeting is on Jan 28th (fourth Monday of the month) at 6:30 pm at Rice Memorial Presbyterian Church (1515 Brewer Blvd.) located at the intersection of Brewer and Sylvan.

    Beautification Report: We have scheduled a neighborhood clean-up on Saturday, January 19, from 8:30 am to noon and will be meeting at Dill and Sylvan. It was also decided that we should have monthly clean-ups on the Saturday following our monthly neighborhood association meetings.

    Old Business: None

    New Business/Other: Anna Cherry informed us of the Georgia STAND-UP meeting which will be held on Friday, Jan. 18 from 12-2 pm at the IBEW Auditorium at 501 Pulliam Street. The topic for discussion is Environmental Justice. She asked that people attend, if possible, because it is an important issue in our neighborhood.

    Special Guests – City, County, State & Federal Officials: Joyce Sheperd, our City Councilmember, informed us of the dilemma of the “Saggy Pants” legislation. There will be a “youth lock-up” at the Rosel Finn Recreation Ctr. from 7:00 pm until 8:00 am the next morning to discuss the situation with youth from 13-17 years old. They will also talk about how Bills become Laws.

    She said there will be a Dill Avenue/Sylvan Road/Metropolitan Pkwy. Vision Plan meeting on February 7th with breakout sessions to discuss what we (as a community) want to see happen with those areas.

    She discussed the continuing Cell Tower saga and said that the alternative site is being deemed as unacceptable (not good for a historical district). She will keep us informed of the situation as more information becomes available.

    The Metropolitan Parkway TAD was pulled off the agenda at the last moment for the January meeting. It is now scheduled to go before the Board at the February meeting. Joyce urged us to attend the meeting because it’s so important for our neighborhood to show support for the TAD.

    The meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm and we then enjoyed delicious homemade brownies & cookies, along with chips and dip and great conversation with neighbors.

    Click here for the meeting minutes in MWord format: CVNA Minutes January 2008

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