• Minutes for February 19, 2009

    Capitol View Neighborhood Association

    MEETING MINUTES – February 19, 2009

    The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m.

    22 neighbors were in attendance.

    The January 15, 2009, minutes were read and accepted.

    Officers’ Reports

    President’s Report: Discussed ToolBank volunteer day and CourtWatch training. Fire and Police departments are holding basketball fundraiser at Philips Arena. Piedmont Park aquatic center will open on May 25. CV Elementary is having a playground build-day on March 28.

    Vice President’s Report: Absent.

    Secretary’s Report: None

    Treasurer’s Report: Tony Thaxton, Jr. reported that we have $3136.25 in our SunTrust account, $391.12 in our PayPal account, and $2900.00 in dedicated funds. The total of undedicated funds is $627.37.

    New Business

    David Yorke, Fulton County Animal Services: Discussed anti-tethering ordinance for Fulton County. Discussed what might fit the definition of animal cruelty, such as dogs being chained 24 hours a day, not being adequately fed, or clearly being abused. Fulton has free resources for neutering stray animals. David can be contacted 404-794-0358 or dyorke@mindspring.com. Barking Hound Village Foundation is on the web at www.bhvf.org. Discussed German Shepherd breeding operation in the neighborhood and what can be done about that situation. Also, Perkins Auto appears to be raising roosters in their yard, and the purposes for this are unknown. David urged the neighborhood to call about potential animal cruelty cases.

    Laura Janssen, Senior Assistant District Attorney: Georgia is trying to adopt anti-cockfighting bill, rather than treating the crime under the general animal cruelty laws. Pit bull street-fighting is becoming more frequent around the city, and organizers are better at hiding their activities. If any dead dogs are found, the DA’s office should be contacted so the dog can be photographed and investigated. Ms. Janssen can be contacted at laura.janssen@fultoncountyga.gov or 404-499-4314.

    Hakim Hilliard: Gave an update on the development at the Exide Battery site. Junction Street Properties is trying to develop the site, but development depends on BeltLine funds, which have been delayed. Junction Street would like to see an extension on the deadline for the clean-up. Junction Street would prefer to defer their clean-up for some time, which would give them a chance to clean it to residential standards. If they are required to do so now, they would clean it to a commercial standard.

    Joyce Sheperd: Councilperson Sheperd discussed an update on the Beltline and urged neighbors to attend an update this week. The city council is preparing to vote on a plan for sub-area 2, which includes CV. Public hearing is coming up to discuss the plan on March 9, 6:00 p.m. Trees Atlanta has been active in the neighborhood. April the 18th is Earth Day, and the Councilwoman’s office is planning a clean-up on that date. She also asked neighbors to attend a hearing on February 26 with the ZRB board to discuss a supportive housing bill. Mayor and City Council are divided over the issue. Council wants any groups looking to add supportive housing in community to discuss it with the neighborhood. A contentious debate ensued.

    We are invited to a Capitol View/Capitol View Manor First Fridays meal and social gathering.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

    Click here for the meeting minutes in MWord format: CVNA Minutes for February 2009

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