• Minutes from June 19, 2008

    Capitol View Neighborhood Association Meeting

    MEETING MINUTES – June 19, 2008

    The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by President Michael Brooks.

    Meet and Greet – We had approximately 40 people in attendance.

    The May 15, 2008, general meeting minutes were read, then accepted and adopted.

    President’s Report: None
    Vice President’s Report: None
    Secretary’s Report: Lisa announced the winning of the United Way Fulton Spring 2008 Community Neighborhood Investments Fund (A Call for Great ideas) Grant. CVNA has been awarded $1000 to help develop a neighborhood newsletter named: THE CAPITOL VIEW.
    Treasurer’s Report: Natasha reported the CVNA bank balance, along with upcoming events.
    Committee Reports:
    (1) Code Enforcement: Peter Kaplan wants us to generate more volume in reporting Code Violations. He handed out “reference” flyers (A Quick Reference for Reporting Code Violations) and discussed reporting Code Violations. He can be contacted at: capviewdeputy@hotmail.com or by phone: 404-752-7660
    (2) Public Safety: Tony Thaxton, Jr. reported that there was no NPU-Public Safety Meeting last month due to the holidays. He also handed out safety tips for a safe and fun summer.
    (3) Welcome Wagon
    (4) Economic and Community Affairs:

    (5) Environmental and Beautification:
    Old Business: None
    New Business/Other: Joann Glass, the Senior Coordinator, announced that there will be a raffle held on July 18th for $100 gas ticket. The raffle will help fund her Senior’s trip. She said they also need cash donations.
    Neighborhood Announcements: We will have a neighborhood Clean-Up on Saturday, June 21st.
    We will meet at the Perkerson Park Pavilion at 8:30 a.m.
    Special Guests –Anna Cherry , a Capitol view resident, works for Congressman John Lewis. On Sunday, June 22nd, Congressman Lewis will be holding a Multicultural Festival at Perkerson Park. Anna reached out for volunteers to help with the festival and its preparation.
    —–Matt Cherry, Anna’s husband, discussed Congressman Lewis’ race for re-election. Matt has yard signs if anyone wants one.
    —–Daniel Blackman, is running for State House District 61 and voting is July 15th. He believes in progress for the neighborhood and for the environment.
    —–Edith Ladipo, is a candidate for State House District 61, and is an environmentalist. Quality basic education is her key issue. She is also concerned with crime. Her website is: www.electedithladipo.org
    —–Ralph Long, is a candidate for State House Representative, District 61. He was chair for the Perkerson Park Restoration and is an active voting member of NPU-X and an active voting member of Sylvan Hills neighborhood association. He is also a real estate broker in the community. He wants to change the business district, which caters to the lower income in the community, not to the diverse community.
    —–Beltline Partnership – Steve Cote, presented the “Beltline 101” to educate the community about the Beltline. The Beltline is a transformative project which will create parks, trails, transit and new development along a 22-mile loop of historic rail lines that encircle the urban core. The Beltline will bring people a renewed quality of life and will connect 45 neighborhoods. He urged everyone to attend the study group meetings, in order to give them input regarding the Beltline. Joyce Sheperd got up to speak about attending the Study Groups. They will be hosting a cookout next Thursday, June 26th, at the Perkerson Park Pavilion.
    —–Joyce Sheperd spoke about her After 5 Summer Youth Program. They have about 35 kids in the program. They need volunteers to help work with the children. (5:45 pm to 8:45 pm.)
    You can contact Jocelyn Bivens at Joyce Sheperd’s office at 404-330-6053. She also announced that there will be a water rate increase of 27.5% by the City.
    —–There will be a Public Hearing regarding Property Tax Increases on Monday, June 23, 2008, Atlanta City Hall Council Chambers, 55 Trinity Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30303. 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
    —–There will be a Special Called meeting of Council (Public Comment on Budget) – Continuation of council Amendments Personnel Paper at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 25, 2008.
    —–Margie Thorpe, has lived on Fairbanks for about 4 years and is trying to start an organic market of vegetables and fruits (after July 4th weekend). She wanted to know if there was any neighborhood interest in her efforts and can be contacted at (404) 617-9302 or by email: msmargiet@gmail.com.

    The meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m.

    Click here for the meeting minutes in MWord format: CVNA Minutes for June 2008

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